Understanding patientimportant after critical illn... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Impact Factor (IF): 3.3 Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.51 Citations: 4,232 Open Access Support: Subscription. Country: UNITED STATES. ยป Current Opinion in Critical Care. Abbreviation: CURR OPIN CRIT CARE ISSN: 1070-5295 eISSN: 1531-7072 Category / Quartile: CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE - SCIE(Q3)

Is Journal Impact Factor Good?

Current Opinion in Critical Care 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF is 3.359. Check Out IF Ranking, Prediction, Trend & Key Factor Analysis.. The 2023-2024 Journal's Impact IF of Current Opinion in Critical Care is 3.359,. Current Opinion in Critical Care Key Factor Analysis. Publisher. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.

Integrating biology into clinical trial design Current Opinion in Critical Care

Critical Care: Open access journal for critical care research, with 15.1 Impact Factor and 6 days to first decision. A pioneering open access journal with. Skip to main content.. 2022 Citation Impact 15.1 - 2-year Impact Factor 12.0 - 5-year Impact Factor 2.912 - SNIP (Source Normalized Impact per Paper) 3.577 - SJR (SCImago Journal Rank)

Familycentered during and after critical illness... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Current Opinion in Critical Care delivers a broad-based perspective on the most recent and most exciting developments in critical care from across the world. Published bimonthly and featuring thirteen key topics - including the respiratory system, neuroscience, trauma and infectious diseases - the journal's renowned team of guest editors ensure a balanced, expert assessment of the.

What is a fluid challenge? Current Opinion in Critical Care

Know all about Current Opinion in Critical Care - Impact factor, Acceptance rate, Scite Analysis, H-index, SNIP Score, ISSN, Citescore, SCImago Journal Ranking (SJR), Aims & Scope, Publisher, and Other Important Metrics. Click to know more about Current Opinion in Critical Care Review Speed, Scope, Publication Fees, Submission Guidelines.

Assessment of fluid responsiveness recent advances Current Opinion in Critical Care

The diagnosis, monitoring, and management of AE is challenging. Here, we discuss advances in definitions, diagnostic approaches, therapeutic options, and implications to outcomes of the clinical spectrum of AE in ICU patients without primary brain injury. 38441156. February 12, 2024: Current Opinion in Critical Care.

International comparisons of intensive care informing outco... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Scope. Current Opinion in Critical Care delivers a broad-based perspective on the most recent and most exciting developments in critical care from across the world. Published bimonthly and featuring thirteen key topics - including the respiratory system, neuroscience, trauma and infectious diseases - the journal's renowned team of guest.

Postoperative cognitive disorders Current Opinion in Critical Care

Current Opinion in Critical Care. Journal Metrics (Based on the publications from the last 4 years) (from 2020-04-01 to roughly 2024-04-01) Number of papers. Average citations: 5.538: Median citations: 3: Impact Factor: 3.300 (based on Web of Science 2022) Twitter @CO_CriticalCare (ca. 8936 followers) Categories & Ranks. Metric: (Based on.

Critical care considerations in the management of acuteonc... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Featuring renowned guest editors and focusing exclusively on one to three topics, every issue of Current Opinion in Critical Care delivers unvarnished, expert assessments of developments from the previous year.. Current Opinion in Critical Care Impact Factor History. 2-year 3-year 4-year. 2022 Impact Factor . 3.086 3.298 3.836. 2021 Impact.

Bringing implementation science to the intensive care unit Current Opinion in Critical Care

Top authors and change over time. The top authors publishing in Current Opinion in Critical Care (based on the number of publications) are: Rinaldo Bellomo (44 papers) absent at the last edition,; Claudio Ronco (26 papers) absent at the last edition,; John A. Kellum (22 papers) absent at the last edition,; Michael R. Pinsky (21 papers) published 1 paper at the last edition the same number as.

Treatment targets based on autoregulation parameters in neur... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Translating the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Current Opinion in Critical Care. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is an important patient-reported outcome measure following critical illness. 'Validated' and professionally endorsed.

The limitations of evidence increasing data and increasing... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Open data-based citation metrics about Current Opinion in Critical Care, but also research trends, citation patterns, altmetric scores, similar journals and impact factors. O. O. I. R. Trending Research; Journal Rankings;. Impact Factor: 3.359 (based on Web of Science 2021) Twitter @CO_CriticalCare (ca. 8967 followers) Categories & Ranks.

New Impact Factor for ICM just released ESICM

Current Opinion in Critical Care Impact Factor, IF, number of article, detailed information and journal factor. ISSN: 1070-5295.. Enter journal title, issn or abbr in this box to search. Current Opinion in Critical Care. Journal Abbreviation: CURR OPIN CRIT CARE Journal ISSN: 1070-5295. Year: Impact Factor (IF) Total Articles: Total Cites.

Culturenegative sepsis Current Opinion in Critical Care

The impact of resource limitations on care delivery and outcomes: routine variation, the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and persistent shortage. Anesi, George L.; Kerlin, Meeta Prasad. Current Opinion in Critical Care. 27 (5):513-519, October 2021. Abstract.

Challenges and advances in nutrition for the critically ill... Current Opinion in Critical Care

Three decades of collaboration in critical care research. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2020;201:872-875. [ PubMed] [ Google Scholar] 158. Baron RM, Christman JW, Liu KD, Matthay MA, Self WH, McVerry BJ, et al. Monitoring research blood sampling in critically ill patients: avoiding iatrogenic anemia.
